
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Duplication Exercise

Train your students to notice details and "see like artists" with this fun activity!

In her classic drawing books, Drawing with Children and Drawing for Older Children and Teens, art teacher and author Mona Brookes offers an engaging way to practice seeing and drawing using her "Duplication Exercise". This activity is completely adaptable to any ability level, K through adult. You can start out easy and increase the difficulty as you go, as you can see in this spread from Mona Brookes' book. And did I mention that it's FUN, too??!

I created a blank duplication form for my last teacher workshop (with designs drawn in and being copied at the top of this post). All you do is draw a simple (or not so simple) design in each box across the top and then make a copy for each of your students. Then ask them to copy each design in the box below it. This activity will train them to really look closely at their subject and notice details. If you like to doodle (and who doesn't?) you will enjoy both creating the designs to be copied as well as copying designs that others have created. Students love this activity and especially enjoy making their own designs for their classmates to copy. This process is even therapeutic.... try it during testing week or as a "filler" when other work is finished.

Be sure to check out Drawing with Children and Drawing for Older Children and Teens for more great ideas on developing your students' drawing skills!


  1. Thanks for the great idea and book rec. I've done something similar with my 6-year-old, but not with designs. He loved making pictures for me to copy.

  2. love this idea= do you have a pdf. version of the exercise to share?


  3. Thanks, Kelly... I don't have that yet, but hopefully will before too long. Stay tuned!

  4. Fantastic idea. I am wondering if you have created aPDF of the activity yet? I would love to do this with my class at the beginning of the year.
