
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Animated Art "Books" for Kids

Here's a fun site I just discovered for those of you with lower elementary age students... Mighty offers animated books for early readers with a variety of themes.  Visit the page titled, "Art & Music" for slide shows of paintings by Van Gogh, Renoir or Remington set to the music of great composers, or assemble a virtual jigsaw puzzle made from the "Carnival of Harlequin" by Joan Miro.  Follow along as you listen to a story that accompanies the paintings of Jan Vermeer.  Then, check out "Go to the Museum" for a virtual field trip of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.  You can also learn about the artists and art movements here, too. For access to the entire site, you will need to purchase a membership for 24.99/year, but all that I've told you about is available for free!  So, where was all of this when my kids were little??!


  1. How fantastic! Thanks so much for that link.

  2. Thank you for sharing! Sometimes I am shocked when I haven't run across a really great resource before...this is one of those times. I'll definitely be sharing this like on my blog as well.

  3. Wonderful! So glad you came across Interesting to think that this was a 'thought' that grew into a site. I'm so amazed at the technology available to us.

  4. Love this resource. I just gave you credit for the find on my site post that will publish May 9th.

    Love your site! activities for kids
